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Vision and Values

Our vision and values are at the heart of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy learners. Our vision and values were created by the school community and the Bursledon Parish  (St. Leondard's Church & St. Paul's Church). We proudly continue to work closely in partnership together as we are a distinctively Christian Infant school and Church Affiliated Junior school. 


Federation Vision

To see God's love thrive in our Bursledon Community: where no-one is lonely, isolated or unsupported; where we respect diverse beliefs and we all speak well of each other; and where we all aspire towards a fulfilling future of lifelong learning, built on strong relationships and hope. 

Federation Values 

Love - 'Let us love one another, for love comes from God.' 1 John 4, verse 7 

Respect - 'So in everything you do to others what you would have them do to you.' Matthew 7, verse 12

Aspire - Jesus said 'I have come that you may have life - life in all its fullness.' John 10, verse 10. 


Click here to read our Vision and Values leaflet  and find out in more detail about our school values and how they apply each and everyday at Bursledon Federation. 

 Our Aims 

  • Ensure all children understand and embrace the Christian values of the Federation.
  • Give children consistently challenging, yet supportive learning opportunities within a broad, balanced and creative curriculum where risk taking is encouraged and where children can learn from their mistakes.
  • Celebrate progress, achievement, effort and attendance.
  • Work together with children’s families and the wider community so that school based learning is understood and can be built upon outside the school environment.
  • Help children as independent learners; be able to choose tools and strategies for life and learning.
  • Develop personal spirituality within the Federation community through a wide range of experiences.



Our learning community will:

  • Develop a sense of belonging to the community.
  • Show kindness to all.
  • Value everybody equally.
  • Develop an eagerness to take part.
  • Treasure every relationship.
  • Have a love of learning as part of our life long journey.
  • Choose to help others- putting others before ourselves.
  • Accepting others as being unique and special.
  • Be thankful and respectful for all the opportunities we are given.
  • Aspire to act and speak with compassion and kindness.
  • Express and explore our own beliefs, ideas and choices and allow others to do the same.
  • Value the richness of our communities.
  • Celebrate the uniqueness and value of every person.
  • Recognise those who make a positive contribution to make the world a better place, inspiring us to do the same.
  • Understand how Christian traditions can guide our choices throughout our lives.
  • Share the responsibility of looking after our world.
  • Aspire to achieve better than their best.
  • Welcome new experiences.
  • Challenge themselves and be confident enough to take risks.
  • Show resilience to overcome barriers.
  • Aspire to become lifelong learners.
  • Recognise and celebrate their own and others achievements.
  • Aspire to make a positive contribution to the world in which they live in and make it a better place.
  • Develop an understanding of self-worth and wellbeing